Friday, June 25, 2010

The Ol' Birdie on wheels....

the sun had just started shining, after a long day of downpour. and the weather was just perfect for a ride. And anyways, I was fed up of being home, staring at my monitor, wondering what I can blog about......

For some unknown reason, I never mentioned my bicycle in any of my blogs, and its even surprising because it is one of the many things that my world revolves around (ironic, isn't it?) My pink ladybird bike was gifted to me by my parents when I was 9. It was quite a surprise for me, and so I didn't have a chance to customize it myself (I wouldn't have chosen PINK, for god's sakes!) And my life confined to the walls of my house and my school ended right then and there, and I began to explore the world outside.....

Coming back to today, I was feeling upto a bike ride. I always believed that my bike had a sense of its own but it was always overshadowed by my sense of purpose, like going to class, getting something, repairing…etc. so today, when the sun started shining, I decided to let my bike take me out for a ride,wherever it could with its own sense ( as long as I knew the way back home, that is!) , while I used mine to brood about things that I could never think about in my shoebox flat.

So I stepped out, fuelled my wheels with a lot of air, and then set out. I thought while I rode; I rode while I thought. I thought about my friends, my family, my cousins. I thought and thought, as I rode through the crowded market, and through the quiet, deserted roads. I thought as I rode through the busy traffic, and even as I rode through lonely construction sites. Kids were cycling by too, going to their classes, or coming back; or simply racing for the fun of it. Ladies were going by in clusters, some muttering about their chores, some about their kids, and some, just gossiping in what sounded like gibberish. People rode by in their cars. As I rode by a school, I saw kids being whisked off to their homes for the day, in their buses, excited as the school day had come to an end , and a fit of nostalgia hit me right then. There were the workers at the construction sites, still working tirelessly, even though the sun had set. I kept riding, till I thought that my thoughts had been done for he day, and then I concentrated on my bicycling.

I thought about how my bicycle had taught me a lot. It had taught me that if I work hard enough, I will eventually reach home. That every time an uphill problem faces you, you must believe that there’ll always be a downhill solution for it, because only then can life be even. That when life meets a dead end, you don’t need to stop there; you can always turn back and have a new start. That one-ways are traveled upon only by people who are confident about where it leads to, just like life. That accidents and mistakes often happen because the person at wheels is not confident that he can do it properly. My bicycle taught me, that here is learning other that the one inside classrooms; and that it is called realization. That people who think that education gets over when the school day ends, are seriously mistaken. My bicycle taught me that you can learn from the littlest things in life, if only you have the will and curiosity.( and last, but not the least, my bicycle also taught me that expectations are not meant for Indian roads! Practical, isn’t it?)

My reverie ended when my cell phone beeped in my pocket to show me a message and I glanced at the time. It was time to go back home now!

“ This much from a simple hour-long bike ride?”, I know. But it is the truth. I’m still trying to find out how I could write this big a blog on my ol’ birdie! I think its because it was always there for me, whenever I wanted to brood over, it was always there to take me to places, to explore….it never left me! (though its certainly had intentions to, the kind of repairs it has had!)

In the end, all I can say is, that this little bike ride was a really good one indeed!

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