Tuesday, June 8, 2010

my 10th std experience...........

hiyo! well, let me start wid y i really thot of putting THIS as a blog...........it is because ive been brought up in an environment where exams are important, and the SSC, the most important of them all! u may think of me as a geek, but believe me, ive never thought any less of myself!so this 10th grade year was the most significant of all, and quite different too...........because this year i was everything, from a geek to the most mischevious, frm the quiet studious to the most talkative and funny, from the staying-out-of-trouble-mind-ur-business girl to the i-dont-give-a-damn-what-happens dude! dont get it? complicated..............

firstly, it was hectic, because i was burdened with the feat of studyin 10 whole textbooks, but i managed, with my classes et all! this was my last year at school, or probably so, and so i had made p my mind 2 do everything tht i cud 2 make it memorable.it was lyk any uder year i wud hav expected 2 be, but for all i knew, it was special.........

but then in the end it all comes to this, that separation was 2 come, it was always over the horizon, comin closer.........and now here we are, strugglin for some contact!all those memories, the fun, the studies, the parties, the hangin-outs...............they have to be kept in a preserved chamber of our minds.we are walkin away now, in different directions, our paths may never intersect, we may never know each other anymore, but one thing is certain, that this special year will always remain in the forefront of our mind.

all in all, from this year i may or may not have learnt a lot, when it comes to subjects, but its for certain that i have learnt one thing:that friends may come and go, but memories leave a mark on ur mind, which nothing can ever wipe out, which can never disappear and which will always remain so very close.........

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