Wednesday, June 2, 2010

education system: what d hell r u up to??????????

2de i read an article in the newspaper, which opened up my eyes wide to what i thought as rocket science being no more difficult than ABC. seriously, what r u up to?
when my parents wer little, as they recall, getting 65% meant tht the child is EXTREMELY brilliant. they say tht decimals in percentage never existed, and tht competition was not what was expected frm the students; kids loved to gain knowledge. and nowadays?
by implicaton, it means that 2de we students are dumbed down frm knowledge-gainers to mark-scorers. and yes, this is not a promotion, rather a negative change i wud say.though as a student of 10th grade i shud thank the sytem for making things easy ofr us, somehow im not able to bring myself upto it.why the hell shud i suffer?
the reason for my fury is tht we r spoonfed more often than not;like when a child falls, u're not blaming his carelessness, but the ground for being uneven. the reason as evry1 states freely, is the growing failure and suicide rates. i don't agree much.suicides have certainly not gone down by taking these steps.its like, wen a person is failing, it is not his fault tht he did not study, but its the fault of the toppers for topping n giving rise to competition. or so is it accepted.
all the measures taken, such as best 5, grading system, 70:30 quotas, leniency in college admissions, bringing down the cut of percentages, quotas for SC, ST; sports and other activities leave a lot of students on the unfair side, because thee are taken by keeping solely the poor- scoring students in mind,whereas meritorious students are being thrown largely out of perspective, and i say so as a neutral student.
the solution for this? to make people look at the self-proclaimed profanities such as pressure, stress and difficulties with a positive outlook; pressure is necessary to move things forward on their path, simple law of physics, and we must abide by it. taking pressure as challenge is the key, because SSC is not the end of the world and there will be more challenging exams .
so it is now upto us, whether we accept ourselves to be so handicapped with our studies that we need crutches like such to move forward, or we want to wholely , solely attack our exams with all our might and be happy to claim that we have done this with both our legs intact.

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