Monday, May 31, 2010

my trip 2 sri lanka

about a month ago, i made this trip 2 sri lanka with my family.but tht is not what im gna say.... m not gonna describe the places, though they are worth being described. no, im gonna tell u what was MY experience, what i felt about the place.
apart from the obvious fact tht it is beautiful, i also feel that sri lanka is like a hub for foreigners....a place where we can meet people of all countries without having 2 go there, n vice versa. im an indian, n though i was also, for all intents n purposes, a foreigner in that country, i dinot feel so, not for a minute,although this cud be because i was from a neighbor country, with identical skin colour, fashion, landscape etc.
for indians, as i can say by personal belief, this place is a boon as well as a curse. boon as in, we are accepted easily into the crowd, cuz we are like them. we r not prjudiced against, and not taken to be different unless we tell them tht we really are indians, which was an advantage for us, over our western counterparts who cud be easily distinguished among the crowd of wheatish and russet people. also, take it as a fact, that sri lankans are very fond of that makes up 4 the second point!
for the 1st curse of the place, is the high rate of inflation. when we indians plan a trip to a country who's currency value is lower thn ours, we take it for granted very easily, as der r , sadly, very few such countries. however for any traveller in an alien country, it is important not only to consider the currency value, but also the inflation status. and tht was sumthin we failed 2 do on our trip. Sri lanka is a tourist based country with hardly any factories or industries, and so all products are imported into the country, in return for exporting spices and gem. in simpler words, sri lanka is not very cheap, nor extremely costly!
also, considering the above point, we have another factor to add to it: the profiteering minds! in the remote areas, tht is sumthin to save oneself from!!!!!!!! else, v might end up getting tea for a 40 bucks, or water for 70!these are very basic, yet the inflation rate is sad, and yet v were foriegners, we cud manage. think about the people who actually live there!
to end up with my thoughts, i wud certainly accept tht every place has its own pros and cons.n sri lanka, well to each his own!!!!!!!!!

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