Monday, June 14, 2010

career? omg!

career is something which creates a lot of controversy and doubt among people, especially freshman-going-to-junior college-16-years-old-and-still-in-dilemma people like moi!as far as boasting and gigs was concerned, kids like me like to claim ourselves as grown ups, but it is now i realise how very small i am! because i am at a point where i have to take the most important decision, one which concerns my life and one which is creating more problems for me than it is solving.

in my defense, i would say that i have always wanted to do something unique, away, risky. something which includes writing, reading, and cultural thingies! something which includes travelling, interacting with people, knowing about places and being known,being counted upon......and all of this brings me to journalism!but now this field so very vast and varied, that just coming upon it as a general profession does not solve the dilemma.

it all comes to this, that unless you have a very straightforward one way plan, you won't face this dilemma. as for undecided and unsure young ones like us, the battle continues.........

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