Monday, July 26, 2010


everyone has one of these kinds in their life... chubby, bubbly, carefree, bindass, friendly, lovable, sweet; someone who has a certain positive powerful aura around them that makes you swear to god that you will never ever be away from such a character... and for me, this character is none other than my friend Sanchita Sapla!

Sapla and i met a year ago at our tutorial classes, and ever since we said hi for the first time, we have been such buddies that one won't believe we've been friends only for a year! such is the quality of Sanchi, who, like a spider, weaves a friendship web all around her and sticks tight to it, with all earnestness and truthfulness.She is the ideal friend, who's the one who enjoys the most when you are happy, and the one who's all ears whenever you have somethings to share! she has this kinda magnetic field all around her that draws people towards her and like her.

she's a person who's got all her extremes on her: when she laughs, she makes sure everyone around her is sharing in hr mirth; when she cries, she cries like a baby; and when she stands up against something, she'll make sure to do what's needful and rightful to get what she wants. and the best thing about her is her honesty, which is as innocent as a child.....!

wondering why i'm getting so senti today all of a sudden? of course because its her birthday today! so, sapla, here's a small note from me:

on ur 15th bday, i wish you many happy returns and a wonderful year ahead.....! be as you are, ALWAYS, because you are the best when you are yourself! always remain the adorable, chirpy and sweet person that you are because that is what defines Sanchita! there's hardly any more to say because i feel really lucky to have a friend so enigmatic, that words are failing me!

So now, just enjoy the day, have fun and remember that the next time is just 365 days away! lol!

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