Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Before and after ' Being Done'

Something got me thinking about relief, about 'being done with'; i have felt it many times. I felt it every time i went on-stage, maybe for an elocution or for a dance competition, i felt it when i gave my last SSC exam, more so i felt it when i gave my last geography exam (that was a BIG relief, believe me!); and i felt it recently when i finally gave my economics presentation, along with my 9 teammates, which consumed more than 2 months, many headaches, many agreements, disagreements, etc. etc. There is something i feel, very peculiar about this feeling of relief...

I have found that situations that consume too much of work behind it, will give you relief when you are 'done' with it. Maybe it is because we cherish the getting over of the hardwork, and await a time of relaxation. Maybe it is because we have too many things to do, and we are relieved as and when each one gets over. I have always seen Tom and Jerry touching their forehead and waving it off, with droplets of sweat being sprayed in the air. Phew, what a relief! We are sooo 'done' with it! This is before and during 'being done'.

But i have never come across any book, or show, or cartoon that showed the emptiness after 'being done'. I experienced it after all those feelings of relief. All those blogs where i cribbed about being bored throughout summer, were just an expression of how empty my life was. Because my life revolved around those exams for a whole year, once it was over, i didn't know where it was going now! Once a job is over, it just sets your system off-balance, it's like, now just go back to being what you were before, but you can't. Things change, the biggest focus has shifted to the margin, now search for a new one!

I am writing all this because that emptiness has crept back into my focus. A few days ago, it was the project that formed the center of the universe; edit videos, make a presentation, practice presenting it, get everyone together, get through all approvals and disapprovals, and finally celebrate the anticipated freedom, the anticipated 'relief'. Don't get me wrong, i AM stuffed; i have my classes, i have my college, i have another project to submit too, but then when this thing i put all my hours into got over within half-an-hour, it sort of leaves me into a pit i dug myself, and now i have to find a way out...

Long story short, 'being done' is seriously overrated. I would never, ever want to be done with anything for a long time, because an empty feeling is tough to get away with. Also, this is when i have to deal with the daily routine (which i hate), monotony(which i hate too) and sleepiness (which i do not hate, but, come on, imagine being slurry and sleepy for 24 hours!).

Let's see what forms the next focus of my life....:/

1 comment:

  1. :) (: It was fun, na? The only thing that troubles me, is that in the question I just posed, the operative word is 'was'. :(
