Friday, July 15, 2011

It all ends today.

In my very first article on my blog, I told you how big a Harry Potter fan I am. It'd been over a year and I have come a long way since then. Nothing changed. Nothing ever changed.

Today I saw the franchise end in 3D. And amazing though the journey was, I can't help but feel hollow inside, like a part of me ended with it. To what extent that is true, only I shall know!

One may argue its a kids' book, a kids' story. But theres no denying the fact that it used to be a TREMENDOUS part of my life... I lived and died in those 7 books, ever since I became a harry potter fan about 5 years ago. And a lot of what I did become later on, Harry Potter was a huge part of that. And though that sounds like a hyperbloe, it is not...

Harry Potter was the first novel I ever picked up. And it inspired me to read more and more, eventually encouraging me to pursue languages. J.K.Rowling inspired me to begin writing, and created in me an interest for plotting and storytelling. It indeed came storming out of her books; the way she linked each book with the other, making it sort of a jigsaw puzzle, and how she left loose ends everywhere, and then tied them all up to make perfect sense, to make the readers believe in the magical world. It is not just a book, a mere story, it is a work of genius.

As people change, they keep one something from their past, something that reminds them of what they really were inside; Harry Potter was that one something for me. And so it is really hard hitting the reality that it is now over, and that there isn't really anything more to look forward to in it...

A lot of people say I'm weird about Harry Potter, and that its about time the HPmania ended. But does it all end here and today? who knows...

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Busy Bee drops in every once in a while...

How awesome is being busy? perhaps as pathetic being not busy is. And this blog has borne the brunt of both extremities of my life in the past year. Thats right, I have been blogging for a year...

Its like a cycle, I realized. I get bored, i blog about being bored, about it being increasingly monotonous, and then i get busy! And then as if all of a sudden, I am too busy to enter my blog, and even if i do, too tired to actually blog... There is a lot to write about, but it is just too hard to select something to write on.

There has been so much going on in life; college has begun, and with quite a flare, i must say. And my lucky streak! The first 2 weeks of college were so eventful, its hard to believe its been only a month since it started off! My cousin moved in to town, and i discovered how close we would have actually been if he'd moved in before! And my birthday came and went by, without so much as a whisper to the kaleidoscope. It was great, we had a good time, but beyond that, whats there to write about?

Malhar work has begun, and between lectures, auditions, preparations, math classes (and a few feuds with friends here and there) life has been exhausting. Perhaps one of the reasons I am sitting here, with my laptop, very sick, instead of going to college which is so much more fun!

And then there was the day i went completely goth over my grief of Harry Potter coming to an end. It was quite emotional, and all my friends wondered if I'd fallen down and hit my head or something.

And so much more! Life is such a roller coaster ride, and right now i'm sitting all buckled up, hoping for more loops-a-hoop!

cheers =)