Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Just when I thought boredom has a limit, it got itself a new one. A completely boring Tuesday afternoon, the television has now officially turned merciless on poor collegians on holiday on a weekday by making television programmes miserable. I was lying on the couch, completely insane, and I called up mom, just to bother her at work for time-pass, she said she was busy, and that I should help myself to some maggi noodles in the cupboard. I hung up feeling flushed. Completely stale. Sick. Green…

And then comes the *twink*. ( figuratively, the light bulb above my head lit up). I sat up, walked straight to my kitchen and rummaged in the refrigerator for everything that’s green and that goes. Finally I made up my mind.

I first sautéed a whole capsicum chopped, with some garlic cloves and a green chili. Once that was done, I added 2 cups of water, and the maggi masala, and made the noodles as usual. Then I threw in some oregano herbs, some fresh coriander leaves, some pani puri masala, some chaat masala, and then, after it was done, squeezed some lemon over it.

The first mouthful of ‘green’ maggi threw in a blast of the flat yet somehow spicy taste of the capsicum. It was immediately followed by the freshness and tanginess of the lemon juice, and then came on, the mixed taste of all the herbs. And of course, the maggi taste. I could see green, I could taste green, and everything about it said green.

One eats with his eyes just as much as he eats with his mouth. So this colour concept is going to be the highlight of my blog for the rest of the vacations. Its going to be called GREEN, RED, YELLOW; following the fact that most of our food is green, red or yellow primarily. I’m going to separate each of those colours and explore the colour characteristic of taste; and experiment on the food that we usual eat.
some images:

the official pic of GREEN, RED, YEllow.
