Friday, September 9, 2011

Off the top of my head...

Yesterday was a great day. we had three free lectures and we were done by 1. And I stayed behind in college as usual. My friends can't understand why i prefer staying in college than going home. I don't get why they do otherwise.

And then 'Eat, Pray, Love' was on. Great movie, really. Though I don't get why the whole 'I'm depressed because my love life's a mess' is so huge an angle in it. I like her travels. Hell, i would love to just pack my bags, leave my whole life behind and travel to some completely unheard of place. Or just some day, shut my books, sign out of facebook, say goodbyes and start walking, and just keep walking...

There are so many things I would love. I would love to be extremely rich. I would love to be 25 so people can finally accept that I can do stuff I knew I could do since I was 12. I would love to not be a CR. I would love to not be hated. I would love to bunk all my lectures and just hang around in the college all day. I would love to be loved back. I would love to be able to write and get published. I would love to live in a hostel. i would love to be independent.

And I would love to be thinner, less pimply, less miserable.

Then again, I love to be thrifty, to be 17, to be the CR, to sit for lectures, to be with my family...

On a completely different note, psychology's finally started to interest me. I've been spending time in the library looking up Freud, Jung and Eyesenck. The best part i think is the dream interpretation concept. I mean, we all dream. And it couldn't be meaningless, right? Of all the times we've woken up feeling extremely happy everything's worked out, or woken up sweating, or woken up completely blank and confused and then realised it was just a dream; did we ever wonder why our subconscious wasted so much time showing us something that was not real?

Or was it all real, but we just didn't know it?

And then my brother's going to be 25 in a week. I see a baking opportunity! How about a white chocolate sponge cake with vanilla cream and strawberries? Or a cheese cake? Or a mousse cake? Oh, or a coffee cake...

I tend to get carried away...

Where's the time, i think! the time to have nice days, the time to watch movies, the time to sit in libraries and think about dreams, the time to have wishes, to love,to write, to bake? But then i realize that somewhere between lectures,being crushed in the morning rush, breaking my head over maths and falling asleep reading textbooks, i do manage to find the time...