Tuesday, August 31, 2010

finaly.... I AM IN COLLEGE!!!!!!!!!!

picutre that! my college St.Xavier's

my classroom: beautiful, isnt it! we are totally 140 people but it still seems very spacious! and moreover, the benches and all are totally authentic; there are spaces for ink bottles and the quill too! cool,eh!

thats one of the many famous archways! its really beautiful, you can see students sitting around at almost any point of time! guess theres more to a college than just classes! he he

thats not much, just the staircase that lead to my class, but they are just so ornate and classy, that i just had to take a pic!

thats the view of a side of the huge college from the foyer where you can always be loitering around! damn cool!

ya.. enfin! actually, i was in col since 27th, but m getting time to blog just now, so you can imagine how much i'm enjoying it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well, i'm kidding, thats an understatement... i'm enjoying every SECOND of college life. true, i'm a new entree so probably all u guys are thinking,' ruk ja bachu! aage aage dekh kya hota he!' but seriously! all the other things set aside... just the feeling that i'm no longer the uniform-clad, buck toothed school-kid....i'm in college, for crying out loud! u know what i mean!

my college is great. i guess i've already told you all enough about my college, but the news is, i am in love........ with the college of course! its seriously like going to hogwarts! you just don't know which stairs come out where; you just keep walking and you end up in mars! seriously if there was a hogwarts anywhere on earth, its definitely at xavier's!

its fun at college... lots of free lectures, a huge campus to roam about, and really good lectures; the teachers hold debates, show documentries, general discussions and all... and for a girl from ses, this is seriously heaven on earth! its everything i ever expected college to be....!

life's great, travelling is tiring, but fun all the same, i got lots of friends out there... what else do you need!!!!!!!!!! he he....

i've got loads more to tell, i could go on and on about college; but i gotta go, get ready for ( i still can't believe that this is fact) COLLEGE!!!!!!! lol!

Friday, August 13, 2010

finally.....I AM GOING TO COLLEGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean, what could be more exciting? COLLEGE!!!!! The thing I’ve been waiting for as long as 5 months! And not just any college, its St.Xavier’s! No doubt, a dream come true!

After weeks and weeks full of wishes and dreams, with a tiny bit boredom ( yeah, right!) months full of doubts whether I’m ever gonna get into college, I finally got what I wanted- admission into st.xavier’s college in CST! after dreaming on and on about what college’s really going to be like, I’m finally going to a real one! So last Monday was the lovely day, when the internet FINALLY told me that I’m going to xavier’s after all!

So a visit to xaviers was imminent. I went there on the early hours of Wednesday, and lo! It was EVERYTHING I had expected and heard about… well not everything… because xavier’s is rumored to be a very flashy college, with flashy people and flashy campus; but it seemed fairly modest to me! It’s an old , very old grey brick building with ancient architecture ( its 140 year old, what else would you expect!) which gave it the look of a typical catholic church…but never mind, that is the beauty of it! As you enter the gates, you see lots of trees and plants… and then you enter the entrance hall, followed by a very beautiful, well-known and sunny basketball court, and then there is this huge auditorium, followed by a volleyball court and a very hep cafeteria….but that’s not all, cuz I had very little time to take in more than that of the place, but from what the prospectus says, it also has a small woods, 2 huge libraries and hostels, and lots more! Guess I’ll have to wait for the 1st day to really get to know the campus….

My first reaction into xavier’s was, woah! This place is cool! But I can’t say I was’nt a tiny bit scared, maybe caught off-guard, to see that there wasn’t a face I recognized… but then that’s the whole point of college isn’t it? So anyways I did make some acquaintances, which included a girl who came to my tuitions and I knew only by face ( which came as more of a relief than a surprise, seeing as that was immediately after the ‘caught off-guard’ sequence),my tutorial teacher’s daughter (which was obviously a surprise!) and the daughter of an old friend of my father’s (which was not a surprise.. our dads kept discussing how we both would end up I the same college after all!)…. and by the looks of it, we were incidentally all from the same town, and also in the same class! Fancy bumpin’ into ur bff! But that’s how things build up and make a friendship, isn’t it?

Of course there are cons, like the 1 and a half hour travel up and another 1 ½ hour down, which is why many people from Thane do not fancy going to xavier’s even though life’s great there, but its okay… I guess you have to give up something to get something! Believe me, xavier’s worth all the effort! Or so it seems, anyways! It is the best college for fyjc arts in Mumbai, and it is also in the most happening place, CST! and plus I don’t mind all the traveling as long as I’ve got friends on me, or a good book… or else there’s always the radio! ;)

So, 2 weeks after today, I’ll be in college! ( love the feeling!)
The countdown, begins…..